Titan and Hanrine Enter into Joint Venture s Earn-In Agreement


Titan Minerals Limited (ASX: TTM) (Titan or the Company) refers to its ASX announcement dated 18 April 2024 and is pleased to announce that Titan and its wholly owned subsidiary, Linderos Mining S.A.S (Linderos), have executed a binding joint venture and earn-in agreement (JVA) with Hanrine Ecuadorian Exploration and Mining S.A. (Hanrine), an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary of Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd (Hancock), for Hanrine to acquire up to an 8o% ownership interest in the Linderos Copper Project (Project) in Ecuador (Transaction). HighlightsTitan and Hanrine, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hancock, have executed a formal binding joint venture and earn-in agreement in respect to the Linderos Copper Project in EcuadorHanrine will earn an initial 5% interest in the Linderos Copper Project by paying US$2.01 million and can earn up to an 80% interest in the Linderos Copper Project by either achieving specific exploration milestones and proceeding to a decision to mine or by sole funding up to US$120 (AU$180) millionPreparation for the initial 10,000m drilling campaign is underway, with technical site visits and meetings held and logistics planning now well advanced to facilitate drilling and associated exploration activities Titan’s CEO Melanie Leighton commented:“We are very pleased to have entered into formal binding arrangements with Hanrine for the Linderos Copper Project. The JV & earn-in agreement represents endorsement of what we believe is an exciting early-stage porphyry copper-gold discovery.“We are well advanced in our technical discussions with Hanrine who are ready to commence exploration activities at the Linderos Copper Project, with expansion of the camp being the first task on the priority list to ensure seamless and efficient operations once drilling commences.“We are pleased to be partnering with Hanrine, who have a well-established team in-country with the technical capability and financial capacity for us to mutually benefit from exploration success alongside contribution to the economy of Ecuador. We look forward to providing further updates on logistics and exploration activities as we prepare for commencement of the initial 10,000 metre drilling campaign at Linderos.” Click here for the full ASX ReleaseThis article includes content from Titan Minerals, licensed for the purpose of publishing on Investing News Australia. This article does not constitute financial product advice. It is your responsibility to perform proper due diligence before acting upon any information provided here. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.

Copper investing, Asx stocks, Asx:ttm